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Transformative Faculty Development

Offer transformative faculty development without additional strain on your campus Center for Teaching and Learning. Introducing Magna Quest, a faculty development tool designed to develop skills for effective college teaching to improve student outcomes.

From the Creators of The Teaching Professor

Faculty Development for the Current Landscape of Higher Education

Teaching has become increasingly challenging following the COVID-19 pandemic. Burnout is rising as many faculty members are still unprepared to face these new demands.

Magna Quest addresses the needs of the current landscape of higher education with 5 Credentials and 17 Proficiencies covering critical topics, including course design, teaching strategies, student engagement, diversity and inclusion, and technology for teaching.

Each program provides practical skills and knowledge that faculty can immediately apply in the classroom. Magna Quest’s curriculum videos and supporting material were developed specifically for college faculty by national teaching experts. On-campus program facilitators receive support and resources from Magna Publications to ensure success as Magna Quest Campus Coaches.

Designed to Integrate with Your Center for Learning and Teaching

Institution-led faculty development ensures alignment with institutional goals and establishes consistency across departments. Magna Quest is the only online faculty development curriculum that integrates with your on-campus Center for Teaching and Learning.

With 5 credentials, 17 proficiencies, and 200 programs, Magna Quest can be customized to align with institutional values and goals. The curriculum combines self-paced learning with coaching by CTL staff and can be adapted to fit campus culture.

Magna Quest includes: 

  • 5 Credentials and 17 Proficiencies with 200+ programs
  • Digital badge for each proficiency or credential completed
  • Curriculum videos and supporting materials developed by national teaching experts
  • Guided self-assessment to select programs within a proficiency
  • Resources for successful implementation and onboarding for faculty and Campus Coaches
  • Personalized support from Magna Publications for Campus Coaches
College Classroom Teaching

College Classroom Teaching badge

Required Proficiencies:

  • Learning Design Level 1
  • Teaching Professor
  • Assessment for Learning
  • Teaching with Technology
Active and Engaged Learning Design

Active and Engaged Learning Design Required Proficiencies:

  • Learning Design Level 2
  • Active Learning
  • Assessing Active Learning


Online Course Design, Teaching, and Technology

Online Course Design, Teaching, and Technology badgeRequired Proficiencies:

  • Online Learning Design
  • Online Educator
  • Online Teaching Technology
  • Hybrid Learning
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Required Proficiencies:

  • Inclusive Learning Design
  • Inclusive Classroom
  • Equity and Inclusion Online
Mentoring, Leadership, and Career Development

Mentoring, Leadership, and Career Development badgeRequired Proficiencies:

  • Faculty Development
  • Leadership
  • Career Development

Praise for Magna Quest

For more information or to purchase please contact Magna Sales at or call 800-433-0499 ext. 183

Easy Implementation and Ongoing Support

Magna Quest is an online, research-based faculty development tool designed to integrate with your CTL. The flexible curriculum allows faculty members to complete proficiencies and credentials at their own pace and from any location.

Magna Quest includes resources for successful implementation and onboarding for campus coaches, allowing the CTL to offer faculty development programs effortlessly. On-campus program facilitators receive support and resources from Magna Publications to ensure success as Magna Quest Campus Coaches.

A Cost Effective Solution

With Magna Quest, faculty members can improve their teaching skills to help deliver transformative educational experiences for their students without straining CTL staff or budget.

Priced per user with a 10-user minimum as well as an option for unlimited access, Magna Quest is a cost-effective faculty development offering.

A 50% professional discount is available for Magna Digital Library campuses with an active Magna Digital Library subscription.

For more information or to purchase please contact Magna Sales at or call 800-433-0499 ext. 183