How does a Group Online Subscription work?
A Group Online subscription allows individuals from an institution or organization to access content via the Magna Publications web site. To access an institutional subscription, users must first have or create an account on the Magna web site. They also must register as a member of the institutional subscription. This is done by clicking on the unique URL that was sent to the on-campus administrator. Once a user has an account AND has successfully completed registering as a member of the group subscription, users can log in to the Magna web site to access their account. From the My Account page users will see the content they (or their institution) have purchased.
Can I get usage reporting for a Group Online subscription?
Yes, we can provide registration and usage reporting. At this time, reporting is available upon request only. To request a usage and registration report, please contact Magna Customer Service at Usage reporting is available going back one year from the current date.
Is access to Magna content available through a Learning Management System?
Yes, and No. For our newsletter titles (Academic Leader and The Teaching Professor), and for the Journal of Faculty Development, we do not offer an option to access the subscription via an on-campus LMS. For the Magna Digital Library, we do offer access to the content via an on-campus LMS. It’s called Magna Campus. When an institution purchases Magna Campus, it allows the customer to access the Magna Digital Library through their on-campus LMS. Because Magna Campus requires setting up a unique “site” for each account, and because of additional steps involved with set up and support, there is a one time set up & support fee for Magna Campus. For more information about Magna Campus, please contact Magna Sales at or by calling 800-433-0499 ext. 183 (outside the U.S. and Canada please call 608-246-3590 ext. 183).